Forelimbs of cat, lizard used in walking; forelimbs of whale used in swimming

Forelimbs Of Cat Lizard Used In Walking Forelimbs Of Whale Biology Question

Forelimbs of cat, lizard used in walking; forelimbs of whale used in swimming and forelimbs of bats used in flying are an example of:


(a) Analogous organs
(b) Adaptive radiation
(c) Homologous organs
(d) Convergent evolution

Correct Answer:

Homologous organs


Organs which have a common fundamental anatomical plan and similar embryonic origin whatever varied functions they may perform are regarded as homologous organs. For example the flippers of a whale, a bats wing, fore-limb of a horse a bird’s wing and forelimbs of a horse a birds wing and forelimbs of human are structurally as well as functionally different.

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Topics: Evolution (132)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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