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For a thermodynamically reversible reaction in a galvanic cell at temperature T, which one of the following is false
(a) -ΔG = Wmax
(b) ΔG⁰ = -RT ln K
(c) ΔG = – n F Ecell
(d) ΔH =TΔS
Correct Answer:
As – ΔG = W(max). Electrical work done = nFE(cell), therefore -ΔG = nFE(cell). E⁰(cell) = RT/nF ln K(c). Therefore -ΔG = nF RT/nF ln K(c) = RT lnK(c) or ΔG⁰ = -RT ln K(c). When ΔG is zero, process does not occur. ΔG = ΔH -TΔS = 0. Therefore ΔH =TΔS.
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