During change of O₂ to O₂⁻ ion, the electron adds on which one of the following

During Change Of O To O Ion The Electron Adds Chemistry Question

During change of O₂ to O₂⁻ ion, the electron adds on which one of the following orbitals?


(a) π* orbital
(b) π orbital
(c) σ* orbital
(d) σ orbital

Correct Answer:

π* orbital


O₂ = KK (σ2s)² (σ*2s)² (σ2pₖ)²
(π2pᵢ)² (π2pⱼ)² (π*2pᵢ)¹ (π*2pⱼ)¹
O₂⁻ = KK (σ2s)² (σ*2s)² (σ2pₖ)²
(π2pᵢ)² (π2pⱼ)² (π*2pᵢ)² (π*2pⱼ)¹

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Question Type: Memory (964)
Difficulty Level: Easy (1008)
Topics: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure (86)
Subject: Chemistry (2512)

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