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Coralloid roots, which host a symbiotic relationship between an algae and host plant are features of
(a) Cycas
(b) Pinus
(c) Pteris
(d) Funaria
Correct Answer:
Mycorrhiza (Myco’s = fungus, rize = roots) is a symbiotic association between fungus and the roots of vascular plants. The fungus colonizes the roots of the host either infra or intercellularly. It helps in the nutrient absorption from soil for the plant, Mycorrhizal associations are present in conifers, i.e., Pinus, Cedrus, Abies and Picea. Coralloid roots is develop in Cycas. It is produced in clusters at the base of the stem and protrudes out over the ground. It is dichotomously branched and greenish in colour. IT contains algal zone in cortex. This algal zone contains blue green algae like Anabaena and Nostoc which grow in symbiotic association with coralloid roots.
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Question Type: Memory
Difficulty Level: Easy
Topics: Plant and Animal Kingdom
Subject: Biology
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