Cellulose is the major component of cell walls of

Cellulose Is The Major Component Of Cell Walls Of Biology Question

Cellulose is the major component of cell walls of


(a) Pythium
(b) Xanthomonas
(c) Pseudomonas
(d) Saccharomyces

Correct Answer:



Cellulose is a major component of cell wall of Pythium. Pythium is a genus of parasitic Oomycete. Because this group of organisms were once classified as fungi, they are sometimes still treated as such. Pythium, like others in the family Pythiaceae, are usually characterized by their protection of coenocytic hyphae, hyphae without separation. oogonia generally contain a single oospore. Antheridia contain an elongated and club-shaped antheridium.

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Question Type: Memory (964)
Difficulty Level: Easy (1008)
Topics: Cell Structure and Functions (413)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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