Ankle bones have 6 tarsals and arranged in three rows then 1st row have

Ankle Bones Have 6 Tarsals And Arranged In Three Rows Biology Question

Ankle bones have 6 tarsals and arranged in three rows then 1st row have


(a) Astragalus and calcaneum
(b) Pterygoid and astragalus
(c) Pterygoid and calcaneum
(d) None of these

Correct Answer:

Astragalus and calcaneum


Ankle, also called tarsus, has 6 bones, called tarsals, arrangend in three rows having gliding joints, proximal row is with two bones. Outer calcaneum (heel bone) and inner talus.

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Topics: Locomotion and Movement (106)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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