Among the following the paramagnetic one is

Among The Following The Paramagnetic One Is Chemistry Question

Among the following the paramagnetic one is


(a) Ni(CO)₄
(b) [Ni(CN)₄]²
(c) [NiCl₄]²
(d) [Ag(NH₃)₂]⁺

Correct Answer:



In[NiCl₄]²⁻, Cl⁻ provides a weak ligand field. Therefore it is unable to pair up the unpaired electrons of 3d orbital uncommon to the [Ni(CN)₄]²⁻. Hence the hybridization of Ni in this compound is sp³ and the shape is tetrahedral and it is paramagnetic.

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Topics: Coordination Compounds (87)
Subject: Chemistry (2512)

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