A sexually transmitted disease symptomised by the development of chance

A Sexually Transmitted Disease Symptomised By The Development Of Chancre Biology Question

A sexually transmitted disease symptomised by the development of chance on the genitals is caused by the infection of


(a) Treponema pallidum
(b) Neisseria gonorrhoeae
(c) human immunodeficiency virus
(d) hepatitis B

Correct Answer:

Treponema pallidum


Syphilis is a bacterial infection usually spread by sexual contact. The cause of syphilis is a bacterium called Treponema pallidum. Syphilis may spread through direct unprotected close contact like kissing or from infected mothers to their baby during childbirth. Syphilis can’t be spread by using the same bathtub, toilet, clothing, using swimming pools,etc.

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Topics: Human Reproduction (101)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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