A black body is at 727⁰C. It emits energy at a rate which is proportional to

A Black Body Is At 727c It Emits Energy At Physics Question

A black body is at 727⁰C. It emits energy at a rate which is proportional to


(a) (1000)⁴
(b) (1000)²
(c) (727)⁴
(d) (727)²

Correct Answer:



According to Stefan’s law, E α T⁴
E α (t + 273)⁴ K [723⁰C = (727 + 273)K]
E α (727 + 273)⁴ K
E α (1000)⁴ K

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Topics: Properties of Bulk Matter (130)
Subject: Physics (2479)

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