
Rate of distance covered with respect to time.

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Base Concepts: Motion Points to Remember About Speed Speed is one of the basic measurement of motion. It is a […]


An object which changes its position with respect to time is in motion. This concept is the basic for three important NEET topics namely, Motion in Straight Line, Motion in Plane and Laws of Motion.



An object which does not change its position with respect to time is at rest

Average Velocity

Total distance covered by total time taken

Average Velocity Explanation

When two velocities are given, the average velocity cannot be calculated as v1+v2 / 2. It should be calculated based on the total […]

Relative Velocity

Velocity of one object when another object is considered to be at rest when both the objects are in motion

Uniform Motion

An object which moves with constant speed (covers equal distance for equal intervals of time)

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