Zoological park

A place where various living animals are kept within enclosures.

Zoological park Explanation

A zoo is a place where a variety of animals are maintained within enclosures to display to the public. This is used […]


Collection of preserved plants and animals for study and reference.

Museum Explanation

The institution that cares for a collection of organisms artifacts and other objects such as artistic, historical, cultural or scientific importance is called […]

Botanical Garden

Collection of living plants designed chiefly to illustrate relationships within plant groups.

Botanical Garden Explanation

This is a dedicated garden to the collection, cultivation, and display of a variety of plants labeled with their botanical […]


A reference collection of dried plants attached to paper sheets of a standard size and field in a systematic way.

Herbarium Explanation

A herbarium is a collection of preserved plant specimens and associated data used […]


Group of organisms in which two individuals are capable of reproducing fertile offspring.

Species Explanation

Species is the basic unit of biological classification, and it is defined as the largest group of organisms in which […]

Modern Taxonomy

Modern Taxonomy Explanation

Taxonomy based on all types of characters morphology, anatomy, cytology, physiology, biochemistry, ecology, genetics

Classical Taxonomy

Classical Taxonomy Explanation

Taxonomy based on observable morphological characters


Classification Explanation

Grouping into categories based on characteristics

Binomial Nomenclature

A system of providing a name with two components, generic name and epithet.

Binomial Nomenclature Explanation

It is a formal naming species system of living things by giving each a name composed of two parts, […]

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