Which of the following compounds gives trichloromethane on distilling with

Which of the following compounds gives trichloromethane on distilling with bleaching powder


(a) Methanal
(b) Phenol
(c) Ethanol
(d) Methanol

Correct Answer:



Alcohol is first oxidised to acetaldehyde by chlorine. [Cl₂ + H₂O → 2HCl + O]. CH₃CH₂OH + O → CH₃CHO + H₂O. (ii) Acetaldehyde then reacts with chlorine to form chloral. CH₃CHO + 3Cl₂ → CCl₃ CHO + 3HCl.(iii) Chloral, thus formed, is hydrolysed by calcium hydroxide. CCl₃CHO + Ca(OH)₂ → 2CHCl₃ + (HCOO)₂Ca.


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