What will be the partial pressure of He and O₂, if 200 mL of He at 0.66 atm and 400 mL

What will be the partial pressure of He and O₂, if 200 mL of He at 0.66 atm and 400 mL of O₂ at 0.52 atm. pressure are mixed in 400 mL vessel at 20⁰C


(a) 0.33 and 0.52
(b) 0.33 and 0.55
(c) 0.25 and 0.45
(d) 0.38 and 0.52

Correct Answer:

0.33 and 0.52


Pʜₑ = (200 × 0.66) / 400 = 0.33 atm
Po₂ = (400 × 0.52) / 400 = 0.52 atm.


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