The ratio of the difference in energy between first and second Bohr orbit

The ratio of the difference in energy between first and second Bohr orbit to that between the second and the third Bohr orbit is


(a) 1/2
(b) 1/3
(c) 4/9
(d) 27/5

Correct Answer:



E₁ – E₂ = 1312 x Z²(1/1² – 1/2²)
= 1312 x Z²(3/4)
E₂ – E₃ = 1312 x Z²(1/2² – 1/3²)
= 1312 x Z²(5/36)
From eqs. (i) and (ii)
E₁ – E₂ / E₂ – E₃ = 3 x 26 / 4 x 5 = 27/5


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