Na⁺, Mg²⁺, Al³⁺ and Si⁴⁺ are isoelectronic. The order of their ionic size is

Na⁺, Mg²⁺, Al³⁺ and Si⁴⁺ are isoelectronic. The order of their ionic size is


(a) Na⁺>Mg²⁺ (b) Na⁺Al³⁺>Si⁴⁺
(c) Na⁺>Mg²⁺>Al³⁺> Si⁴⁺
(d) Na⁺ Al³⁺

Correct Answer:

Na⁺>Mg²⁺>Al³⁺> Si⁴⁺


Amongst isoelectronic ions, thesize of thecation decreases as the magnitude of thecharge increases


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