A Radio Isotope X With A Half Life 14 X Physics Question

A radio isotope X with a half life 1.4 x 10⁹ years decays to Y which is stable

A radio isotope X with a half life 1.4 x 10⁹ years decays to Y which is stable. A sample…

A Projectile Is Fired From The Surface Of The Earth Physics Question

A projectile is fired from the surface of the earth with a velocity of 5 m s⁻¹ and angle

A projectile is fired from the surface of the earth with a velocity of 5 m s⁻¹ and angle θ…

A Potentiometer Circuit Has Been Set Up For Finding The Physics Question

A potentiometer circuit has been set up for finding the internal resistance of a given

A potentiometer circuit has been set up for finding the internal resistance of a given cell. The main battery, used…

A Monoatomic Gas At A Pressure P Having A Volume Physics Question

A monoatomic gas at a pressure P, having a volume V expands isothermally

A monoatomic gas at a pressure P, having a volume V expands isothermally to a volume 2V and then adiabatically…

A Conducting Sphere Of Radius R Is Given A Charge Physics Question

A conducting sphere of radius R is given a charge Q. The electric potential

A conducting sphere of radius R is given a charge Q. The electric potential and the electric field at the…

A Certain Number Of Spherical Dropes Of A Liquid Of Physics Question

A certain number of spherical dropes of a liquid of radius r coalesce to form a single

A certain number of spherical dropes of a liquid of radius r coalesce to form a single drop of radius…

A Body Of Mass 4m Is Lying In Xy Plane Physics Question

A body of mass (4m) is lying in x-y plane at rest. It suddenly explodes into three

A body of mass (4m) is lying in x-y plane at rest. It suddenly explodes into three pieces. Two pieces,…

A Black Hole Is An Object Whose Gravitational Field Is Physics Question

A black hole is an object whose gravitational field is so strong that even light

A black hole is an object whose gravitational field is so strong that even light cannot escape from it. To…

A Beam Of Light Of 600 Nm From A Distant Physics Question

A beam of light of λ=600 nm from a distant source falls on a single slit 1 mm wide

A beam of light of λ=600 nm from a distant source falls on a single slit 1 mm wide and…

A Balloon With Mass M Is Descending Down With An Physics Question

A balloon with mass m is descending down with an acceleration a

A balloon with mass m is descending down with an acceleration a (where a