Which one of the following is wrongly matched? Nostoc-Water blooms

Which one of the following is wrongly matched?


(a) Nostoc-Water blooms
(b) Spirogyra-Motile gametes
(c) Sargassum-Chlorophyll c
(d) Basidiomycetes-Puffballs

Correct Answer:

Spirogyra-Motile gametes


Cyanobacteria, e.g., Nostoc, grow in such abundance as to form water blooms. Sargassum belongs to brown algae which possess chl a, c, carotenoids, xanthophyll and a characteristic brown pigment, fucoxanthin. Commonly known forms of basidiomycetes are mushrooms, bracket fungi or puffballs. In Spirogyra gametes are non-flagellated (non-motile) but similar in size. They show amoeboid movements.


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