Two discs of moment of inertia I₁ and I₂ and angular speeds ?¬ツチ and ?¬ツツ are rotating

Two discs of moment of inertia I₁ and I₂ and angular speeds ?¬ツチ and ?¬ツツ are rotating along collinear axes passing through their centre of mass and perpendicular to their plane. If the two are made to rotate jointly along the same axis, the rotational K.E. of system will be


(a) I₁?¬ツチ+I₂?¬ツツ/2(I₁+I₂)
(b) (I₁+I₂)(?¬ツチ+?¬ツツ)/2
(c) (I₁?¬ツチ+I₂?¬ツツ)²/2(I₁+I₂)
(d) None of these

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