The wavelength of first line of Balmer series is 6563Å. The wavelength of first line

The wavelength of first line of Balmer series is 6563Å. The wavelength of first line of Lyman series will be


(a) 1215.4Å
(b) 2500Å
(c) 7500Å
(d) 600Å

Correct Answer:



λ(ʟyman) / λ(вalmer) = [(1/2²) – (1/3²)] / [(1/1²) – (1/2)²] = 5 / 27

λ(ʟyman) = (5 / 27) × λ(вalmer) = (5 / 27) × 6563 = 1215.4 Å


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