The speed of electromagnetic waves in vaccum is equal to

The speed of electromagnetic waves in vaccum is equal to


(a) μ₀ε₀
(b) √(μ₀ε₀)
(c) 1/√(μ₀ε₀)
(d) 1/(μ₀ε₀)

Correct Answer:



According to Maxwelll, it is found that the electromagnetic waves travel in free space (or vacuum) with a speed is given by
c = 1 / √(μ₀ε₀) = 3 × 10⁸ ms⁻¹
Where, μ₀ and ε₀ are absolute permeability and permittivity of the free space, respectively.
where, μ₀ = 4π × 10⁻⁷ Wb A⁻¹m⁻¹
ε₀ = 8.85 × 10⁻¹² C² N⁻¹m⁻²


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