In the reaction ₉₂U²³⁴→₈₇Y²²², how many α-particle and β-particles are emitted

In the reaction ₉₂U²³⁴→₈₇Y²²², how many α-particle and β-particles are emitted respectively?


(a) 3,5
(b) 5,3
(c) 3,3
(d) 3,1

Correct Answer:



Change in A = 234 – 222 = 12

This is the effect of 3 α-particles = 3 × ₂He⁴

Change in Z due to 3α = -6

Given change in Z = 87 – 92 = -5

Hence one beta is emitted = -6 + 1 = -5

Therefore, 3α and 1β


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