In electromagnetic spectrum, the frequencies of γ-rays and x-rays and ultraviolet rays

In electromagnetic spectrum, the frequencies of γ-rays and x-rays and ultraviolet rays are denoted by n₁,n₂ and n₃ respectively, then


(a) n₁>n₂>n₃
(b) n₁ (c) n₁>n₂ (d) n₁n₃

Correct Answer:



Frequency range of ultraviolet rays ≃ 10¹⁶ – 8 × 10¹⁴ (n₃)
Frequency range of X-rays ≃ 3 × 10¹⁹ – 10¹⁶ (n₂)
Frequency range of γ-rays ≃ 5 × 10²° – 3 × 10¹⁹ (n₁)
Therefore, n₁>n₂>n₃


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