Excretory product of birds and insects is

Excretory product of birds and insects is


(a) uric acid
(b) urea
(c) ammonia
(d) TMO

Correct Answer:

uric acid


Uric acid is the end product of purine breakdown in most mammals, birds, terrestrial reptiles, and insects and also (except in mammals) the major form in which metabolic nitrogen is excreted. Being fairly insoluble, uric acid can be expelled in solid form, which conserves valuable water in arid environments. The accumulation of uric acid and the synovial fluid of joints cause gout. Urea (less toxic) is found in cartilaginous fishes, amphibians and mammals. Ammonia (very toxic) is found in aquatic invertebrates, such as Amoeba, sponge, Hydra, cray fish, Unio, starfish, tadpole larva of frog, bony fish. trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) is found in marine body fish, mollusca and crustacea.


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