Charge passing through a conductor of cross-section area A=0.3 m² is given

Charge passing through a conductor of cross-section area A=0.3 m² is given by q=3t²+5t+2 in coulomb, where t is in second. What is the value of drift velocity at t= 2 s?(Given, n=2×10²⁵/m³)


(a) 0.77×10⁻⁵m/s
(b) 1.77×10⁻⁵m/s
(c) 2.08×10⁵m/s
(d) 0.57×10⁵ m/s

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  • I = dq/dt = 6t+5 = 6×2+5= 17A. Therefore Drift Vel.= I/nAe = 17/2×10^25×0.3×1.6×10^(-19) = 1.77×10^(-5)m/s

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