A thin prism of angle 15⁰ made of glass of refractive index µ₁ = 1.5 is combined

A thin prism of angle 15⁰ made of glass of refractive index µ₁ = 1.5 is combined with another prism of glass of refractive index µ₂ = 1.75. The combination of the prism produces dispersion without deviation. The angle of the second prism should be


(a) 7⁰
(b) 10⁰
(c) 12⁰
(d) 5⁰

Correct Answer:



Deviation= 0, so ? = ?¬ツチ + ?¬ツツ = 0
(µ₁ – 1)A₁ + (µ₂ – 1)A₂ = 0
A₂(1.75 – 1) = – (1.5 – 1) 15⁰
A₂ = – 0.5 / 0.75 x 15⁰
or A₂ = – 10⁰
Negative sign shows that the second prism is inverted with respect to the first.


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