
Which is not the function of transpiration

Which is not the function of transpiration? Options (a) cool leaf surface (b) Maintains shape and structure of plant (c)…

The prokaryotic cells are characterised by

The prokaryotic cells are characterised by Options (a) absence of nuclear membrane (b) presence of distinct chromosomes (c) absence of…

The plant hormone controlling fruit ripening is

The plant hormone controlling fruit ripening is Options (a) ethylene (b) kinetin (c) I.A.A. (d) GA Correct Answer: ethyleneExplanation:Ethylene (gaseous…

The first stable compound formed during C cycle is

The first stable compound formed during C₃ cycle is Options (a) glycolate (b) formaldehyde (c) phosphoglyceric acid (d) phosphoglyceraldehyde Correct…

There are two containers containing gases,one at pressure 30 atm and volume

There are two containers containing gases,one at pressure 30 atm and volume 20 mL and the other at pressure 25…

Tapetum is found in

Tapetum is found in Options (a) anther (b) male gametophyte (c) microspore (d) female gametophyte Correct Answer: antherExplanation:No explanation available.…

The hilum and micropyle lie side by side and very close to each other in

The hilum and micropyle lie side by side and very close to each other in Options (a) anatropous ovule (b)…

Which of the following is a chemical transmitter for neuro impulse conduction?

Which of the following is a chemical transmitter for neuro impulse conduction? Options (a) glycine (b) adrenalin (c) GABA (d)…

Carbylamine reaction is given by

Carbylamine reaction is given by Options (a) N-methyl benzyl amine (b) 2,4-dimethyl aniline (c) N,N-dimethyl amine (d) none of these…

At petrol pump, which rubber is used

At petrol pump, which rubber is used Options (a) Neoprene (b) Highly vulcanised rubber (c) Orlon (d) None of these…