
The biomembrane tonoplast is

The biomembrane tonoplast is Options (a) covering of cell wall (b) covering of nucleus (c) covering of mitochondria (d) covering…

Suicidal bag of plant cell is

Suicidal bag of plant cell is Options (a) peroxisome (b) lysosome (c) ER (d) nucleus Correct Answer: lysosomeExplanation:No explanation available.…

Cells are connected by plasmodesmata, the system is

Cells are connected by plasmodesmata, the system is Options (a) apoplast (b) symplast (c) cross connection (d) none of these…

A body of mass 120 kg and density 600 kg/m³ floats in water.

A body of mass 120 kg and density 600 kg/m³ floats in water. What additional mass could be added to…

The receptor absent in tongue is

The receptor absent in tongue is Options (a) thermoreceptor (b) gustatoreceptor (c) photoreceptor (d) none of these Correct Answer: photoreceptor…

A coin of mass m and radius r having moment of inertia I about the axis passes

A coin of mass m and radius r having moment of inertia I about the axis passes through its centre…

Right handedness is dominant over left handedness. Most probable gene types with

Right handedness is dominant over left handedness. Most probable gene types with 2 right handed parents having left handed child…

Germplasm conservation at liquid N₂ temperature is

Germplasm conservation at liquid N₂ temperature is Options (a) stratification (b) cyropreservation (c) scarification (d) none of these Correct Answer:…

10 mA current can pass through a galvanometer of resistance 25 ohm.

10 mA current can pass through a galvanometer of resistance 25 ohm. What resistance in series should be connected through…

RMS velocity of gas is proportional to

RMS velocity of gas is proportional to Options (a) T² (b) √T (c) T (d) T³/² Correct Answer: √TExplanation:No explanation…