NCERT Exemplar

In an inflorescene where flowers are bornee laterally in an acropetal

In an inflorescene where flowers are bornee laterally in an acropetal succession, the position of the youngest floral bud shall…

The animal with bilateral symmetry in young stage and radial pentamerous

The animal with bilateral symmetry in young stage and radial pentamerous symmetry in the adult stage belongs to the phylum…

Salamanders unlike othr can reproduce in their larval stages and show neoteny

Salamanders unlike other can reproduce in their larval stages and show neoteny and paedogenesis. Which of the following is an…

If the diploid number of a flowering plant is 36.what would be the chromosome

If the diploid number of a flowering plant is 36. What would be the chromosome number in its endosperms Options…

Which of the following plants is used to extract the blue dye

Which of the following plants is used to extract the blue dye Options (a) Trifolium (b) Indigofera (c) Lupin (d)…

Nerve fibre is different from the muscle fibre due to

Nerve fibre is different from the muscle fibre due to Options (a) myofibrils (b) lines (c) sarcolemma (d) dendrities Correct…

Pneumatic bones four chamberd heart and feathers occur in

Pneumatic bones four chamberd heart and feathers occur in Options (a) cyclolostomata (b) aves (c) Mammalia (d) reptilia Correct Answer:…

Holdfasat, stipe and frond constitues the plant body in case of

Holdfasat, stipe and frond constitues the plant body in case of Options (a) Rhodophyceae (b) cholrophyceae (c) phaeophyceae (d) All…

Which one of the following is true for cockroach

Which one of the following is true for cockroach Options (a) ureotelic (b) larval stage is called catterpillar (c) anal…

With respect to fungal sexual cycle, choose the correct sequence of events

With respect to fungal sexual cycle, choose the correct sequence of events Options (a) Karyogamy, plasmogamy and meiosis (b) Meiosis,…