
Corpus callosum is seen in

Corpus callosum is seen in Options (a) the pituitary (b) the ovary (c) the brain (d) corpus luteum Correct Answer:…

Corpus callosum is found in the brain of

Corpus callosum is found in the brain of Options (a) Elephant (b) Pigeon (c) Crocodile (d) Frog Correct Answer: ElephantExplanation:A…

The plant responds to photoperiods due to the presence of

The plant responds to photoperiods due to the presence of Options (a) phytochromes (b) stomata (c) enzymes (d) phytohormones Correct…

The first stable product of photosynthesis in C plants is

The first stable product of photosynthesis in C₄ plants is Options (a) phosphoglyceric acid (b) ribulose-1-5-bisphosphate (c) PGAL (d) malic…

Molls half leaf experiment proves that during photosynthesis

Moll's half leaf experiment proves that during photosynthesis Options (a) carbon dioxide is necessary (b) oxygen is released (c) organic…

This is not an electron transferring molecule

This is not an electron transferring molecule Options (a) coenzyme Q (b) Fe-S protien (c) ATP (d) NAD Correct Answer:…

Excess of Na⁺ ions in air system causes

Excess of Na⁺ ions in air system causes Options (a) diabetes (b) anaemia (c) high blood pressure (d) low blood…

When a mixture of calcium acetate and calcium formate is dry distilled, the

When a mixture of calcium acetate and calcium formate is dry distilled, the product formed is Options (a) methanal (b)…

The shape of cuprammonium ion is

The shape of cuprammonium ion is Options (a) octahedral (b) square planar (c) trigonal (d) tetrahedral Correct Answer: square planarExplanation:No…

Identify the paramagnetic substance

Identify the paramagnetic substance Options (a) Iron (b) Aluminium (c) Nickel (d) Hydrogen Correct Answer: AluminiumExplanation:No explanation available. Be the…