
How many chromosomes are there in endosperm cell of Zea mays?

How many chromosomes are there in endosperm cell of Zea mays? Options (a) forty (b) twenty (c) thirty (d) ten…

In India, tropical rain forests are found in

In India, tropical rain forests are found in Options (a) Darjeeling (b) Andamans (c) Karnataka (d) Jammu and Kashmir Correct…

Which of the following is called emergency gland of the body?

Which of the following is called emergency gland of the body? Options (a) testis (b) adrenal (c) thymus (d) pituitary…

Linkage was discovered by

Linkage was discovered by Options (a) Miller (b) Morgan (c) De Vries (d) Mendel Correct Answer: MorganExplanation:No explanation available. Be…

The Earliest fossil form, in the phylogeny of horse, is

The Earliest fossil form, in the phylogeny of horse, is Options (a) Eohippus (b) Equus (c) Merychippus (d) Mesohippus Correct…

Some effects of sulphur dioxide and its transformation products on plants include

Some effects of sulphur dioxide and its transformation products on plants include Options (a) plasmolysis (b) protein dis-integration (c) Golgi…

The process of micropropagation is the formation of new plants from

The process of micropropagation is the formation of new plants from Options (a) tissue (b) vegetative cells (c) plant parts…

Which one of the following is a single membrane structure?

Which one of the following is a single membrane structure? Options (a) lysosomes (b) chloroplast (c) mitochondria (d) nucleus Correct…

Embryo sac is also known as

Embryo sac is also known as Options (a) microgametophyte (b) microsporangium (c) megagametophyte (d) megasporangium Correct Answer: megagametophyteExplanation:No explanation available.…

Gigantism and acromegaly are caused due to increase of

Gigantism and acromegaly are caused due to increase of Options (a) CH (b) STH (c) ADH (d) LH Correct Answer:…