
Cytokinin is a hormone whose main function is

Cytokinin is a hormone whose main function is Options (a) Induction of cell division and delay in senescence (b) To…

Which of the following is the first compound that accepts carbon dioxide during

Which of the following is the first compound that accepts carbon dioxide during dark reaction of photosynthesis? Options (a) NADP…

Robert Hooke used the term cell in the year

Robert Hooke used the term cell in the year Options (a) 1650 (b) 1665 (c) 1865 (d) 1960 Correct Answer:…

Oxaloacetic acid changes to the malic acid by the action of enzyme

Oxaloacetic acid changes to the malic acid by the action of enzyme Options (a) oxaloacetic dehydrogenase (b) malic dehydrogenase (c)…

In C plants the carbon dioxide fixation occurs in

In C₄- plants, the carbon dioxide fixation occurs in Options (a) guard cells (b) spongy cells (c) palisade cells (d)…

Last electron acceptor in respiration is

Last electron acceptor in respiration is Options (a) O₂ (b) H₂ (c) Co₂ (d) NADH Correct Answer: O₂Explanation:No explanation available.…

The fertilization in which male gametes are carried through pollen tube

The fertilization in which male gametes are carried through pollen tube is known as Options (a) syngamy (b) porogamy (c)…

The Leydig’s cells secrete

The Leydig's cells secrete Options (a) oestrogen (b) testosterone (c) progesterone (d) corticosterone Correct Answer: testosteroneExplanation:No explanation available. Be the…

Which of the following is the most sparsely populated state of India?

Which of the following is the most sparsely populated state of India? Options (a) Manipur (b) Rajasthan (c) Meghalaya (d)…

Which of the following organism form the decomposers

Which of the following organism form the decomposers Options (a) pteris (b) bacteria (c) saprophytic fungi (d) both bacteria &…