
What is the oxidation number of Co in [Co(NH₃)₄Cl(NO₂)]

What is the oxidation number of Co in [Co(NH₃)₄Cl(NO₂)] Options (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 5 Correct Answer:…

The waxes are long chain compounds of fatty acids, which belong to the class of

The waxes are long chain compounds of fatty acids, which belong to the class of Options (a) alcohols (b) ethers…

Which of the following explains the sequence of filling the electrons

Which of the following explains the sequence of filling the electrons in different shells Options (a) Aufbau principle (b) Hund's…

To prepare a pure sample on n-hexane using sodium metal as one reactant, the

To prepare a pure sample on n-hexane using sodium metal as one reactant, the other reactant or reactants will be…

The pollutants released by jet planes are

The pollutants released by jet planes are Options (a) fogs (b) smogs (c) colloides (d) aerosols Correct Answer: aerosols Explanation:…

Which of the following structure regulates the entrance and exit of molecules

Which of the following structure regulates the entrance and exit of molecules into and out of the cytoplasm? Options (a)…

Bone marrow is absent in

Bone marrow is absent in Options (a) fishes (b) birds (c) reptilia (d) amphibia Correct Answer: birdsExplanation:No explanation available. Be…

In hilly areas, erosion is minimised by

In hilly areas, erosion is minimised by Options (a) Terracing (b) Manuring (c) Ploughing (d) Mixed cropping Correct Answer: TerracingExplanation:No…

Antibiotics are mostly got from

Antibiotics are mostly got from Options (a) Fungi (b) Actinomycetes/Bacteria (c) Fungi & Actinomycetes/Bacteria (d) Cyanobacteria Correct Answer: Fungi &…

Active immunity means

Active immunity means Options (a) resistance developed after disease (b) resistance developed before disease (c) increasing rate of heart beat…