
Which of the following is contained in alcoholic beverages

Which of the following is contained in alcoholic beverages Options (a) Glycerol (b) methanol (c) 2-propanol (d) Ethanol Correct Answer:…

Which of the following is the most electronegative element?

Which of the following is the most electronegative element? Options (a) Bromine (b) Chlorine (c) Flourine (d) Iodine Correct Answer:…

Ester and acetamide are distinguished dy

Ester and acetamide are distinguished dy Options (a) Grignard reagent (b) derivatives of fatty acids (c) hydrolysed with strong acids…

The epithelial lining of the alveoli of the frog’s lungs facing lung cavity is

The epithelial lining of the alveoli of the frog's lungs facing lung cavity is Options (a) columnar, non ciliated (b)…

The function of the secretion of prostate gland is to

The function of the secretion of prostate gland is to Options (a) inhibit sperm activity (b) attract sperms (c) stimulate…

The transmission of nerve impulse from one neuron to other, is faciliated by

The transmission of nerve impulse from one neuron to other, is faciliated by Options (a) adrenaline (b) cholesterol (c) kinetin…

Small pox is caused by a kind of

Small pox is caused by a kind of Options (a) bacteria (b) virus (c) protozoa (d) helminthes Correct Answer: virusExplanation:No…

Rapid decline in the population, due to high mortality rate, is called

Rapid decline in the population, due to high mortality rate, is called Options (a) population explosion (b) population crash (c)…