
In a neuron the concentration of intracellular potassium and extracellular

In a neuron the concentration of intracellular potassium and extracellular sodium is in a ratio of Options (a) 1:1 (b)…

The organelle of plant cell that does not contain functional DNA is

The organelle of plant cell that does not contain functional DNA is Options (a) peroxisome (b) nucleus (c) mitochondrian (d)…

How many pyrrole rings are there in porphyrin

How many pyrrole rings are there in porphyrin? Options (a) one (b) two (c) three (d) four Correct Answer: four…

Chitin is a polysaccharide found in the exoskeleton of

Chitin is a polysaccharide found in the exoskeleton of Options (a) prawn (b) insects (c) crabs (d) prawn,insects,crabs, all of…

For a spontaneous process, entropy always

For a spontaneous process, entropy always Options (a) increases (b) decreases (c) keeps changing (d) remains unchanged Correct Answer: increases…

At 298 K the enthalpy of formation of liquid water is -285.9 kJ/mol

At 298 K the enthalpy of formation of liquid water is -285.9 kJ/mol and that of steam -242.8 kJ/mol. The…

An open system

An open system Options (a) can neither lose nor gain energy (b) can lose or gain energy (c) can gain…

The heat of neutralization is the highest in the following case

The heat of neutralization is the highest in the following case Options (a) a strong acid and a weak base…


Enantiomers Options (a) are not mirror images (b) are non-superimposable mirror images (c) are superimposable mirror images (d) constitute a…

Which of the following can act as an oxidising as well as reducing agent

Which of the following can act as an oxidising as well as reducing agent Options (a) Chlorine (b) Air (c)…