
Which of the following reacts with chloroform and a base to form phenylisocyanide

Which of the following reacts with chloroform and a base to form phenylisocyanide Options (a) Benzene (b) Aniline (c) Nitrobenzene…

Retina is most sensitive at

Retina is most sensitive at Options (a) macula lutea (b) optic disc (c) fovea centralis (d) periphery Correct Answer: fovea…

Dengue is transmitted by

Dengue is transmitted by Options (a) female Anopheles (b) Culex (c) tse-tse fly (d) male Anopheles Correct Answer: male AnophelesExplanation:No…

A vertebra has a convexity both in front and behind it. It is called

A vertebra has a convexity both in front and behind it. It is called Options (a) acoelous (b) procoelous (c)…