Which of the following is not a tranquillizer

Which Of The Following Is Not A Tranquillizer Chemistry QuestionWhich Of The Following Is Not A Tranquillizer Chemistry Question

Which of the following is not a tranquillizer


(a) Equanil
(b) Veronal
(c) Salvarsan
(d) Secrotonin

Correct Answer:



The chemical which bring about reduced mental tension, relieve anxiety and result in a more calm outlook without producing any marked degree of sedation or hypnosis or without altering the level of consiousness are called tranquillizers. e.g., Equanil, veronal, luminal, etc.Serotonin is a neuro transmitter which forms a major component of psychotherapeutic drugs. Salvarsan is an organoarsenic compound, used in the treatment of syphilis. It was the first modern chemotherpeutic agent.

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