When ₃Li⁷ nuclei are bombarded by protons, and the resultant nuclei are ₄Be⁸,

When ₃Li⁷ nuclei are bombarded by protons, and the resultant nuclei are ₄Be⁸, the emitted particles will be


(a) neutrons
(b) alpha particles
(c) beta particles
(d) gamma photons

Correct Answer:

gamma photons


₃Li⁷ + ₁H¹ → ₂Be⁴ + zX ᴬ
Z for the unknown X nucleus = 3 + 1 – 4 = 0
A for the unknown X nucleus = 7 + 1 – 8 = 0
Hence particle emitted has zero Z and zero A
It is a gamma photon.


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