What happens during fertilisation un humans after many sperms reach close to the ovum?

What happens during fertilisation un humans after many sperms reach close to the ovum?


(a) Secretions of acrosome helps one sperm enter ctoplasm of ovum through zona pellucida
(b) All sperms except the one nearest to the ovum lose their tails
(c) Cells of corona radiata trap all the sperms except one
(d) Only two sperms nearest the ovum penetrate zona pellucida

Correct Answer:

Secretions of acrosome helps one sperm enter ctoplasm of ovum through zona pellucida


During fertilisation in humans, many sperms reach close to the ovum. As sperm comes in contact with the zona pellucida layer of the ovum it induces changes in the membrane that blocks the entry of additional sperm. The secretion of acrosome helps one sperm enter cytoplasm of ovum through zona pellucida.


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