The protein whose removal enables myosin to bind actin in smooth muscle is

The protein whose removal enables myosin to bind actin in smooth muscle is


(a) tropomyosin
(b) caldesmon
(c) myosin light chain kinase
(d) calmodulin

Correct Answer:



The protein caldesmon, originally isolated from smooth muscle tissue where it is the most abundant calmodulin-binding protein, has since been shown to have a wide distribution in actin- and myosin- containing cells where it is localized in sub-cellular structures concerned with motility, shape changes and exo- or endo-cytosis. Caldesmon is believed to be an actin- regulatory protein, and binds with high affinity to actin or actin-tropomyosin. Caldesmon inhibits the activation by actin-tropomyosin of myosin


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