Reaction of solid KMnO₄ ith conc.H₂SO₄ produces manganese heptoxide (Mn₂O₇) in

Reaction of solid KMnO₄ with conc.H₂SO₄ produces manganese heptoxide (Mn₂O₇) in


(a) solution state
(b) solid state
(c) fine powder
(d) none of these

Correct Answer:

solution state


KMnO₄ on treatment with concentrated H₂SO₄ forms manganese heptoxide via permanganyl sulphate which decomposes explosively on heating. 2KMnO₄ + 3H₂SO₄ → 2KHSO₄ + (MnO₃)₂SO₄ + 2H₂O. (MnO₃)₂SO₄ + H₂O → Mn₂O₇(Red-brown liquid) + H₂SO₄. Mn₂O₇ → 2MnO₂ + 3/2 O₂. Therefore Mn₂O₇ so formed is a red-brown liquid.


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