In which one of the following the genus name its phylum name and its two characters

In which one of the following the genus name, its phylum name and its two characters are not correctly matched, whereas the remaining three are correct


(a) Pila-Mollusca- body segmented, Mouth with radula
(b) Asterias-Echinoermata-spiny skinned, water vascular system
(c) Sycon-Porifera- Pore bearning, canal system
(d) Periplaneta – Arthropoda – Jointed appendages, Chitinous exoskeleton

Correct Answer:

Pila-Mollusca- body segmented, Mouth with radula


Molluscans are soft bodied animals. Their body is unsegmented with a distinct head, muscular foot and visceral hump. In Pila the buccal cavity contains a resping organ, the radula with transverse rows of teeth.


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