Given below are four methods (A-D) and their modes of action for contraception

Given below are four methods (A-D) and their modes of action (a-d) in achieving contraception. Select their correct matching from the four options that follow :
A. The pill (a) Prevents sperms reaching cervix
B. Condom (b) Prevents implantation
C. Vasectomy (c) Prevents ovulation
D. Copper T (d) Semen contains no sperms


(a) A-(c), B-(a), C-(d), D-(b)
(b) A-(d), B-(a), C-(b), D-(c)
(c) A-(c), B-(d), C-(a), D-(b)
(d) A-(b), B-(c), C-(a), D-(d)

Correct Answer:

A-(c), B-(a), C-(d), D-(b)


A. The pill – Prevents ovulation
B. Condom – Prevents sperm reaching cervix
C. Vasectomy – Semen contains no sperms
D. Copper T – Prevent implantation.


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