Gametes are never hybrid. This is a statement of

Gametes are never hybrid. This is a statement of


(a) law of dominance
(b) law of independent assortment
(c) law of segregation
(d) law of random fertilisation

Correct Answer:

law of segregation


Gametes are never hyprid. This is a statement of law of segregation. Mendel’s principle of segregation (first law of Mendalism) is inherent in the results of Mendal. Though in F₁, the dominant phenotype appears, the recessive phenotype is not lost but reappears in F₂. This suggested that there is no blending of Mendalian factors in F₁, but that they stay together and only one is expressed. At the time of the formation of gametes, these two factors obviously separate or segregate, otherwise recessive type will not appear in F₁. The gametes which are formed are always pure for a particular character. A gamete may carry either the dominant or the recessive factor but not both. That is why it is called either as “principle of segregation” or as “law of purity of gametes”.


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