Even in absence of pollinating agents seed setting is assured in

Even in absence of pollinating agents seed setting is assured in


(a) Comellina
(b) Zostera
(c) Salvia
(d) Fig

Correct Answer:



There are two types of flower in Commellina. They are chasmogamous flowers and Cleistogamous flowers. The flowers with uncovered anthers and stigma are known as Chasmogamous flower and flowers which do not open are known as Cleistogamous flowers. These flowers are bisexual and the anthers and stigma lie very close to each other. When anthers dehesic in the flower buds. Pollen grains come in contact with the stigma of the same flower i.e. autogamy. Therefore, Cleistogamous flowers produce assured seed set, even in the absence of pollinators.


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