Cu ions released from copper – releasing Intra Uterine Devices (IUDs) :

Cu Ions Released From Copper Releasing Intra Uterine Devices Biology QuestionCu Ions Released From Copper Releasing Intra Uterine Devices Biology Question

Cu ions released from copper – releasing Intra Uterine Devices (IUDs) :


(a) make uterus unsuitable for implantation
(b) increase phagocytosis of sperms
(c) suppress sperm motility
(d) prevent ovulation

Correct Answer:

suppress sperm motility


Cu ions release by copper releasing intra uterine devices suppresses sperm motility.
Intra-uterine devices are inserted by doctors in the uterus through vagina. They are available as the non-meedicated IUDs, copper releasing IUDs and hormonereleasing IUDs.

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