Choose the correct order of stages of cellular respiration

Choose the correct order of stages of cellular respiration.


(a) Kreb’s cycle- Electron transport chain-Glycolysis
(b) Glycolysis-Electron transport chain-Kreb’s cycle
(c) Glycolysis-Kreb’s cycle-Electron trnasport chain
(d) Electron transport chain-Kerb’s cycle-Glycolysis

Correct Answer:

Glycolysis-Kreb’s cycle-Electron trnasport chain


In a cellular resoiration, energy stored in a glucose molecule which enters into cytoplasm is called glycolysis then enters into Kreb’s cycle which is also called Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle (TCA cycle) and finally in electron transport chain or system. Therefore the correct sequence is a Glycolysis Kreb’s cycle-Electron transport chain.


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