
In a diploid cell at which stage of cell cycle the amount of DNA is doubled

In a diploid cell, at which stage of cell cycle, the amount of DNA is doubled? Options (a) G₁ and…

In a cell DNA are found in

In a cell DNA are found in Options (a) nucleus,mitochondria and plastid (b) nucleus,mitochondria and Golgi (c) mitochondria, Golgi and…

In a cell cycle DNA replication takes place in

In a cell cycle, DNA replication takes place in Options (a) G₁ phase (b) G₂ phase (c) mitotic metaphase (d)…

If the cell wall of a cell is removed the remaining portion is called

If the cell wall of a cell is removed, the remaining portion is called Options (a) etioplast (b) aleuroplast (c)…

In 1831 Robert Brown described

In 1831, Robert Brown described Options (a) nucleus (b) cell (c) nucleolus (d) dictyosome Correct Answer: nucleus Explanation: No explanation…

Identify the vertebrate group of animals characterized by crop and gizzard

Identify the vertebrate group of animals characterized by crop and gizzard in its digestive system Options (a) Osteichthyes (b) Aves…

In the following table identity the correct matching of the crop its disease

In the following table, identity the correct matching of the crop its disease and the corresponding pathogen Options (a) Citrus…

If a cell increases in volume when kept in a solution the solution must be

If a cell increases in volume when kept in a solution the solution must be Options (a) hypotonic (b) hypertonic…

If flowers are cut and dipped in dilute NaCl solution

If flowers are cut and dipped in dilute NaCl solution, Options (a) transpiration is low (b) endosmosis occurs (c) no…

HSK pathway is also called as

HSK pathway is also called as Options (a) C₂ cycle (b) C₃ cycle (c) C₄ cycle (d) C₁ cycle Correct…