
Lenticels help in gaseouss exchange and lenticular transpiration

Lenticels help in gaseouss exchange and lenticular transpiration. lrnticlrs are the characteristics of Options (a) herb stem (b) shrub stem…

Cabbage is the

Cabbage is the Options (a) largest flower (b) largest fruit (c) largest bud (d) largest ovule Correct Answer: largest budExplanation:No…

Transfusion tissue can be traced in

Transfusion tissue can be traced in Options (a) fern rhizome (b) fern prothallus (c) coralloid rootas (d) leaves of cycas…

Schizocoelomates and entercoelomates are

Schizocoelomates and entercoelomates are Options (a) acoelomates (b) true coelomates (c) invertebrates (d) echinoderms only Correct Answer: true coelomatesExplanation:No explanation…

The striated appearence of a myofibril is due to the distribution pattern of

The striated appearence of a myofibril is due to the distribution pattern of Options (a) action and myosin (b) fascicles…

Epithellial cells of the intenstine involved in food absorption have on their

Epithellial cells of the intenstine involved in food absorption have on their surface Options (a) pinocytic vesicles (b) phagocytic vesicles…

A drupe develope in

A drupe develope in Options (a) apical meristem (b) intercalary meristem (c) lateral meristem (d) none of these Correct Answer:…

Hydra can paralyse prey by

Hydra can paralyse prey by Options (a) nematocysts (b) tentacles (c) mouth (d) none of the above Correct Answer: nematocystsExplanation:No…

Lateral meristem is present in

Lateral meristem is present in Options (a) vascular cambium (b) cork cambium (c) xylem and phloem (d) both a abd…

Pits of Howship are presesnt in

Pits of Howship are presesnt in Options (a) nervous tissue (b) involuntary type (c) smooth tytpe (d) sphincter type Correct…