
In cockroach,conglobate gland occurs in

In cockroach, conglobate gland occurs in Options (a) females (b) males (c) nymph (d) both a and b Correct Answer:…

In pinus, cycas,gymnosperm,the endosperm is

In pinus, cycas,gymnosperm,the endosperm is Options (a) triploid (b) haploid (c) diploid (d) tetraploid Correct Answer: haploid Explanation:No explanation available.…

The skeletal tissue consists of organic matrix called as

The skeletal tissue consists of organic matrix called as Options (a) hyaline (b) chondrin (c) osteoblast (d) chondroblast Correct Answer:…

The characteristic fruit of Brassica,family cruciferae is

The characteristic fruit of Brassica,family cruciferae is Options (a) follicle (b) silliqua (c) capsule (d) carcervulus Correct Answer: capsuleExplanation:No explanation…

Which of the following is a contractive protein of a muscle

Which of the following is a contractive protein of a muscle Options (a) tubulin (b) myosin (c) tropomuosin (d) all…

The contractile protein of skeletal muscle involving ATPase activity is

The contractile protein of skeletal muscle involving ATPase activity is Options (a) tropomyosin (b) myosin (c) actinin (d) troponin Correct…

Bundles of striated muscle fibres called fasciculi are enclosed by a sheath called

Bundles of striated muscle fibres called fasciculi are enclosed by a sheath called Options (a) epimysium (b) endomycium (c) perimysium…

Castor is a dicot having albuminus seeds.In these seeds there is a specific

Castor is a dicot having albuminus seeds. In these seeds there is a specific outgrowth called Options (a) coleorhiza (b)…

Mark the odd one

Mark the odd one Options (a) Monocytes (b) lymphocytes (c) neutrophils (d) erthrocytes Correct Answer: erthrocytesExplanation:No explanation available. Be the…

Illicium is modified

Illicium is modified Options (a) dorsal fin (b) first dorsal spine (c) scales (d) caudal fin Correct Answer: first dorsal…