
Which one feature is common to leech,cockroach and scorpion

Which one feature is common to leech,cockroach and scorpion Options (a) Nephridia (b) ventral nerve cord (c) cephalisation (d) Antennae…

A small aquatic herb in which a portion of leaf forms a tiny sac or bladder

A small aquatic herb in which a portion of leaf forms a tiny sac or bladder which traps water insects…

Which one is a true moss

Which one is a true moss Options (a) bog moss (b) Reinder moss (c) club moss (d) irish moss Correct…

Larva of Balanoglossus is

Larva of Balanoglossus is Options (a) glochidium (b) nauplius (c) trochophore (d) tornaria Correct Answer: tornariaExplanation:No explanation available. Be the…

Isinglass is prepared from

Isinglass is prepared from Options (a) Ichthyophis (b) lungs (c) fishes (d) lizards Correct Answer: fishesExplanation:No explanation available. Be the…

Most of the neurons of our body are

Most of the neurons of our body are Options (a) unipolar (b) bipolar (c) pseudounipolar (d) multipolar Correct Answer: multipolarExplanation:Multipolar…

In which of the following groups are seeds present

In which of the following groups are seeds present Options (a) Psilophyta (b) Ginkgopsida (c) Lycopodiophyta (d) Byophyta Correct Answer:…

In monocot embryo,there is a single cotyledon called

In monocot embryo,there is a single cotyledon called Options (a) caruncle (b) scutellum (c) coleorhiza (d) coleoptile Correct Answer: coleoptileExplanation:No…

Which of the following non angiospermic plants have vessels

Which of the following non angiospermic plants have vessels Options (a) gnetum (b) welwitschia (c) ephedra (d) all of these…

One of the following is a very unique feature of the mammalian body

One of the following is a very unique feature of the mammalian body Options (a) homeothermy (b) the presence of…